Our Story
At Smilers Selection, we put people first. Established in 1979, we have over 40 years experience in matching career seekers and employers. Each one of our high-calibre team of qualified consultants is dedicated to help you achieve your recruitment objectives. We develop strong personal relationships and give you the best advice based on a thorough understanding of the market in which you operate.
If you are a job seeker
If you are an employer
Whats with the Cat?
We specialise in placing people at all levels in:
- Management
- Finance
- Office Support
- Human Resources
- Marketing and Sales
- Customer Service
- Technical
- Logistics
- Production
Giving Back
Meet our Team

Lilian Wapnick (AIPSC)
Founding and Managing Member
More about Lilian

Roslyn Schmidt (B.Compt., AIPSC )
More about Roslyn

Mary Myburgh (AIPSC)
More about Mary
Our History
People often ask us how the Smilers name came about. We believe a good name should tell you something about the company it is associated with. Over 40 years ago when we first opened our doors, we chose the name Smilers to communicate our approach to placing people. Life is challenging and the process of job hunting and finding the right person can be an anxious one — we know a positive attitude really works.
Intrigued by the Cat?
The cat intrigues our clients too. Like the Smilers name, the cat has been there from the beginning. The ancient Egyptians revered cats for their protectiveness — not only of crops (by hunting rats and mice), but also for the way a cat looks after her kittens. Eventually, the cat was elevated into an important deity, associated with motherhood and was appealed to as a gentle protector. At Smilers we look after people and the eternal cat is the perfect symbol for our company.
Giving Back
We believe in sharing our success with the wider community and our clients. As part of our Corporate Social Investment program, we proudly support the following organizations:
Sisters Incorporated
Sisters Incorporated is a home for abused women and their children, single, pregnant teenagers and women considering placing their babies for adoption. Their mission is: “We are Women helping Women to help themselves”. Smilers donates to Sisters Incorporated on behalf of our clients and staff in lieu of our annual calendars and cards. We also assist the organisation on a pro bono basis to source suitable staff, and will be continuing our association with Sisters Incorporated on an ongoing basis. For more information see the Sisters Incorporated website www.sisters.org.za
St Luke’s Hospice
St Luke’s provides specialised end of life medical and nursing care, known as palliative care, to people with life-limiting illnesses. They do this through professional home and in-ward nursing support. They also provide physical, emotional, psychosocial and spiritual care and bereavement support throughout the greater Cape Town area.
See www.stlukes.co.za for more information
The National Sea Rescue Institute
The National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) is run by 920 highly skilled unpaid volunteers who are on standby day and night throughout the year. Donations and sponsorships cover their annual running cost of R22.5m. The volunteers save a salary bill in excess of R230m per annum. They enjoy a good working relationship with other emergency services and believe that it is through team effort that lives are saved. We make a monthly donation to the organisation. For more information see the NSRI website. www.nsri.org.za
The SA Red Cross Society
The SA Red Cross Society works to prevent and alleviate human suffering and to foster human dignity in all communities by addressing the basic needs of the people in accordance with the principles of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. We make a monthly donation. For more information about the organization, see The SA Red Cross Society website www.redcross.org.za